Originally delivered on 3/8/2024 10:50 am

SUBJECT: March 2024

Fowler PTA General Membership meeting

     There is a General PTA membership meeting scheduled for Tuesday, April 2nd at 5:30 pm at Fowler Middle School. Fowler PTA members are welcome to attend. We will vote on the proposed changes to Fowler PTA Bylaws and Standing Rules. 

     They are included for review. Please reach out to fowlermiddleschoolpta@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Proposed Fowler Bylaws and Standing Rules 2024

Fowler Spring Picture Day

     We invite you to schedule your student for a Fowler Spring School Photo session. Sign ups are now open! If you have more than one Fowler student, please register each of them individually.  Sign Up for Spring Pictures Here

     Spring Portrait Date: Tuesday, March 26, 2024  

     Schedule Now: Our photography studio will be offering new spring portrait styles and backgrounds--different from the fall yearbook poses. Click here for backgrounds and styles: Fowler Spring Portraits 2024

     Only students whose parents register here will be photographed. Parents, take advantage of the FMS Spring Photo Packages and reserve a session. Our photographer is working on a morning schedule only, and will not be photographing each class - just individual students. You are not obligated to purchase photos; the digital gallery can be viewed online the following week.

FOWLER WON Recycling Drive

        Exciting news! Fowler MS collected 204 pounds of batteries on last month's Battery Recycling Drive! This year FISD collected 3,332 pounds (1,511 kilograms).  To put that in perspective, that is what a Toyota RAV4 weighs. 

       We have diverted 3,332 pounds of materials away from landfills, where lead and other toxic materials eventually leak into our groundwater.  Batteries in our recycling stream are also a common cause of fires.  

Fowler Spring Plastic Bag Recycling Challenge

WHEN: 3/11 - 4/11  Round up your bags over Spring Break!

H-E-B is partnering with Fowler to celebrate Earth Day 2024 and promote the future of our planet! We are again collecting your grocery store plastic bags - from any store. 

  • Gather grocery bags from any retailer
  • If possible, bundle in groups of 25 (24 bags inside an exterior bag) 
  • Send/drop off to Fowler (cart or front foyer) after spring break through 4/11

We are competing with other schools in our region for a campus grant! Last year a total of 4 million bags were recycled from area schools.

Thank you for your participation!

SibShop RSVP 3/19/24

    Frisco ISD siblings, aged 8+ years, who have siblings with disabilities are invited to join us for fun, laughter, and exploring the good and not-so-good parts of having a sib with special needs. 

     SibShop is held at the Early Childhood School (10330 Red Cedar Drive, Frisco, TX 75035) from 5:30-7:00pm. Student drop-off is welcome!  

     RSVP here  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdpIcW2YHCwtfsyKaMWj5s1tqtBjP_XZX-iqfWUn-w6tknSKw/viewform

Strategies for Parenting Our Gifted Students

The G/T department is hosting a parent webinar on March 26th - Nurturing Gifted Minds: Strategies for Parenting Our Gifted Students.

Please click HERE for details and registration.

Family Learning Event: Celebrate Calm

    Join Kirk Martin of Celebrate Calm to explore ways to create calm within your home.  His practical advice and experience has impacted thousands of families!  

    This live, IN-PERSON learning event will be held on Wednesday, 3/27/24 from 6pm-7:30pm at the Frisco ISD Administration Building (5515 Ohio Drive Frisco, TX 75033). 

    Click Here to RSVP

Keep Recycling All Year Long! 🌍♻️

     Guess what? Our 'Battery Recycling Drive' just wrapped up, and a big shout-out to all the awesome donors --THANK YOU! 🌟 But here's the cool part: we collect batteries and plastic bags ALL year long. Yup, you heard it right!

     Just swing by the designated collection spot in the Fowler front entry foyer anytime. Drop off those batteries and bags, and voilà, you're officially our eco-conscious hero!

 🌍 Let's keep it green together! 💚

PTA Board nominations

The Fowler PTA is on the lookout for passionate individuals like you to step into key leadership roles! The Fowler PTA board members consists of 5 elected officers and 10+ appointed standing committee chairs.

Why consider joining our board? 

🚀 Empower Change: Shape the direction of Fowler PTA and drive impactful initiatives. 

💬 Amplify Voices: Serve as a voice for our diverse community and ensure every perspective is heard. 

🌟 Leadership Growth: Develop and showcase your leadership skills in a supportive and dynamic environment. 

The PTA meet 5 times a year and have membership meetings 3 to 4 times a year.  Additional meetings may be called to complete PTA business or to assist with programs or events. 

The Fowler PTA desires a diverse group of officers and committee chairs and actively works to ensure equity and inclusiveness with leadership roles. 

Ready to be part of something extraordinary? Indicate your interest in the positions that resonate with you. While you can choose multiple, you'll be slated for one. Click this link: Fowler PTA Interest Form

Being a PTA member also comes with discounts and perks. Click this link to find out more: https://www.txpta.org/member-perks

Watch DOGS
Who are Fowler Watch D.O.G.S.® (Dads Of Great Students)?

Parents, grandparents, step-parents, uncles, aunts and other adults serve on campus for a few hours, one day or few days each year under the leadership of a program coordinator and under the guidance of school principal or designated administrator. Great way to get involved, help your community and know more about your kid’s school life.

Help out with morning rush hour, afternoon dismissals, school lunches, hallway  movements and other volunteer  opportunities!!! Help make our school a safe and fun environment for our kids!!!

Click here or scan the QR code and provide your information if you are interested and want to know more about the program.

If you have any questions, reach out to Matt Joshi, Fowler PTA Watch D.O.G.S chair at 630 215 4689



Provide clothing to Frisco ISD students in need, to instill comfort and confidence, and ensure they are dressed for success.   

With support from schools, PTAs, community donors, and volunteers, Frisco Threads can meet the needs of our students, and we are grateful for all who help support this mission.


To support our student needs, we request the following clothing donations (size Youth 3T to Adult XXL*):
* Greatest need: Teen clothing in men's sizes


  • Shirts (long and short sleeve), sweaters, and hoodies
  • Pants, shorts, and skirts
  • Dresses
  • Coats, jackets, and winter gloves
  • Pajamas


  • New athletic shoes or sneakers
  • New socks, undergarments
  • Gift cards (Target, Walmart, Academy, Marshalls)


MONDAYS, 9am-12pm ONLY

To donate clothing, visit the Frisco Threads facility at Acker Special Programs Center
Note: Please do not leave donations outside the building during non-donation times.

To donate money, visit our donation site.

Lunch Drop Off procedure

       The Lunch Cart has been replaced with 3 coolers.  Each cooler is labeled with a Grade Level. The lunch coolers are located on the west side of the building next to the Cafeteria Doors.  Parents are welcome to leave lunches in the coolers.  Lunches should be labeled with the student's name before being placed in the coolers.  We are also asking that no "to-go" cups be placed in the coolers.  Drinks may be delivered, but they must be in a sealed container with a leakproof lid or top.  

      We know that our families like to deliver a fresh lunch for students and we appreciate the effort that parents go through to bring nutritious food for their students.  We are just taking the front office out of the process.  The teachers on Lunch Room duty will bring the coolers into the cafeteria at the beginning of each lunch period for students.

Student Lunch Times for your reference:

6th Grade Lunch 11:25-11:55, please have lunch here by 11:15

7th Grade Lunch 12:11-12:41, please have lunch here by 12:01

8th Grade Lunch 12:57-1:27, please have lunch here by 12:47.

       Parents are still welcome to sign in at the front office and have lunch with their students.


Volunteers Wanted

Whether you are a current volunteer or are interested in becoming involved for the first time, Frisco ISD wants you to be a part of all the great things that go on in Frisco ISD! Be sure to review all the ways you can be involved to make a difference in students' lives.  Complete the volunteer background check. This needs to be done each school year https://friscoisd.voly.org/

Fowler Clubs
Fowler Club and Organizations

Do you know that Fowler has Clubs and Organizations that your students can participate in? This a great way to connect with the school and meet new people. The list can be found at this link:  Fowler Middle School Clubs and Organizations

PTA Board
PTA Board Positions

If you are interested in becoming a PTA Board Member and serving the Fowler community, reach out at fowlermiddleschoolpta@gmail.com 

Upcoming Events
Monday, March 11
Tuesday, March 12
Wednesday, March 13
Thursday, March 14
Friday, March 15
Tuesday, March 19
Tuesday, March 26
12:00a SPRING Picture Day
6:00p G/T Parents Webinar
Wednesday, March 27
6:00p Family Learning Event: Celebrate Calm
Tuesday, April 2
5:30p General PTA meeting
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