The Lunch Cart has been replaced with 3 coolers. Each cooler is labeled with a Grade Level. The lunch coolers are located on the west side of the building next to the Cafeteria Doors. Parents are welcome to leave lunches in the coolers. Lunches should be labeled with the student's name before being placed in the coolers. We are also asking that no "to-go" cups be placed in the coolers. Drinks may be delivered, but they must be in a sealed container with a leakproof lid or top.
We know that our families like to deliver a fresh lunch for students and we appreciate the effort that parents go through to bring nutritious food for their students. We are just taking the front office out of the process. The teachers on Lunch Room duty will bring the coolers into the cafeteria at the beginning of each lunch period for students.
Student Lunch Times for your reference:
6th Grade Lunch 11:25-11:55, please have lunch here by 11:15
7th Grade Lunch 12:11-12:41, please have lunch here by 12:01
8th Grade Lunch 12:57-1:27, please have lunch here by 12:47.
Parents are still welcome to sign in at the front office and have lunch with their students.