
By joining the PTA, you help us meet our school's needs that are outside the scope of their budget. You also get great discounts, locally and nationally. When you go a step further and volunteer to help with events—or join our board— you set a fine example for our students to follow, and greatly encourage our teachers and staff.


If I join, do I have to?

  • Go to meetings?
    No. You are welcome to attend our general meetings though.

  • Volunteer or spend a lot of time at school?
    Nope! Joining the PTA is not the same as volunteering. If you choose to volunteer we would LOVE the help—but volunteering is not required.


Click here to join the PTA


Membership Toolkit App

The Membership Toolkit App is available for free in the Apple Store and in Google Play. Download it one time for all of the organizations that you are affiliated with that are using Membership Toolkit. If you belong to 4 organizations that are using Membership Toolkit, when you log in to the app you will see all four organizations presented and you can toggle between organizations.  (Directory on demand, secure and password protected, Parents always have controls over which data will be included in directory, Mark your favorites, Signup volunteers, Join PTA, make donations, and Push notifications)

Join Our WhatsApp Group

Stay in the loop! Join our PTA WhatsApp group for instant school updates and connect with other parents. Scan the QR code or click below to join now!

Upcoming Events